Tuesday 25 October 2016

Effects of alcohol

Alcohol is a very well known drug because it is legal and addictive. Here is a story to show you the effects of drinking too much alcohol.

One day a teenager called Fred went to the pub for the first time. He tried beer and was hooked. He kept drinking all night and finally get a cab back home. The next day Fred goes to the pub but his parents stop him and he gets angry at his parents. For the rest of the week is at the pub addicted to alcohol. Later that week there is a party with all his friend but he is not  invited because he has been drinking too much and is going crazy of alcohol. Fred goes home and get depressed. Suddenly Fred starts crying and screaming, he starts to hate his life because he has no friends. Later that night he commits suicide.

This shows you that heaven too much alcohol can be deadly. So do you know anybody like this?

Monday 5 September 2016



The Moko is part of the maori tradition and culture. It is most commonly found on the face. There are many types of Moko such as Wairua which is on the chin and Uma on the temples. Moko's contain many symbols that mean family, work, rank and position at birth.
My Moko signifies my family and friends.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Lighthouse

Off the coast of Scotland there is a lonely soul sitting on a rock as it stares in despair as ships pass.  Abandoned, isolated, colourless almost castle like, this is the old lighthouse.  Many years ago it had a purpose but now it sits with waves crashing against it.  Out in the distance big black clouds are rolling in as the storm approaches massive waves batter the bland worn down lighthouse.  The old bricks used are slimy and damp as age takes its toll.  Nowadays it sits on its rock as a monument of Scotland.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

100WC T3W2

One day there was a man called Tim, he has no friends. When he was born he had a real disease called Ebola small twin brother which is a small black spot on his knee. At school is always bullied because of his spot. One day he saw that his spot was getting bigger, and fast. At that moment he was rushed to hospital but sadly they couldn't stop it. They had no idea what would happen to him. Then it stopped and just disappeared forever.

The end

By Oliver Barris

Monday 20 June 2016

Chinese dining day

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On monday we went to the master's house. I loved the flavors and textures. One day I will go back with my family because it is so good. My favourite piece of food was the prawn dumpling and I look forward to going there again. We went with two other classes 8CH and 8LH. I sat next to Ben and Amren with Mr Mckay at the head of the table.